Pr. Luciano Maia


Pr. Luciano Maia é Teólogo graduado pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, escritor e profissional do mercado financeiro. É casado com Simone, pai da Luciana que é casada com Stevan, pai do Pedro Henrique (ainda solteiro) e é avô da Amélie. Ama ler a Bíblia, ouvir jazz, vinhos e azulejaria.


I have been going to this church my whole life and it is such a blessing to me! I am so blessed to be able to attend Grace and be a part of the amazing things that God is doing.

John HigginsParishioner

I found this community at a time in my life when I was really hurting. I walked in the doors, and felt like I had just come home! I was welcomed with warmth, and encouragement, and friendship.

Anna BlackTeacher

Me and my partners have found our relationship with this team to be a very satisfying and mutually beneficial experience. Thank you for your outstanding WordPress products and services!

Mark PristonCustomer